Meet Dr. Sundeep Jain & His Ground breaking Work in Advanced Laparoscopic Liver Surgery
Dr. Sundeep Jain is a renowned surgeon and medical professional from India. He has pioneered many surgical procedures in the field of cancer surgery and has been successful in treating patients with advanced cases of cancers, such as liver, pancreatic, colorectal, and esophageal cancer.
The treatment for these cancers is not easy and requires specialized
skillsets that are difficult to find in India. Dr. Sundeep Jain’s expertise in
this field has helped him develop a surgical procedure that can be performed in
India itself without the need for expensive equipment or experts from abroad.
In this article, we will learn about Dr. Sundeep Jain's groundbreaking work
on advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons in India which is being done successfully at his
hospital in Jaipur- Rajasthan. Liver surgery is a surgical specialty that deals
with the removal of diseased, abnormal, or malignant liver tissue and the
treatment of certain related conditions. It is a part of medical oncology, but
it also includes surgical care for conditions such as cirrhosis. Liver surgery
can be conducted through minimally invasive (laparoscopic) or open surgery, but
the former is becoming increasingly popular.
What is the Procedure of Advanced Laparoscopic Liver Resection?
Laparoscopic Surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that requires small
incisions. It uses a small camera, which is inserted through an incision in the
abdomen, to show the surgeon what is happening inside the body. The surgery can
be done without any cuts on the skin, and it reduces recovery time.
The Procedure of Advanced Laparoscopic Liver Resection includes:
1) A standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy with bile duct protection
2) An extirpative hepatectomy
3) A liver segmentectomy
4) An extended right hepatic lobectomy
5) An extended left hepatic lobectomy 2a) A suprahepatic partial hepatectomy
with splenectomy and left lobe biopsy B) A left hepatic lobectomy (an extended
partial hepatectomy with or without splenectomy)C) A right-to-left
anastomosis with a left hepatic lobectomy 3) A right hepatectomy1) An extended
left hepatic lobectomy 2a) A suprahepatic partial hepatectomy with splenectomy
and left lobe biopsy B) A left hepatic lobectomy (an extended partial
hepatectomy with or without splenectomy)
How to Prepare for a Day of an Operation?
A day of an operation at Fortis is a hectic one. Dr. Sundeep Jain, the head
of the department, will be going through his checklist and making sure that
everything is in order for the day ahead.
A Whipple's Surgery in India specialist Dr. Jain starts off with a meeting with his team at 8 am to go over the
upcoming procedures and make sure that all the necessary arrangements are in
place for any emergencies. He then heads to the operating theatre for a quick
check-in before starting surgery at around 9 am.
What are the Benefits of Advanced Laparoscopic Liver Resection?
The benefits of advanced laparoscopic liver resection are the following:
- The doctor is able to see and operate on the liver without having to open
up the abdomen.
- There is less blood loss and a quicker recovery time for the patient.
- The operation can be performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that there
is no need to stay in the hospital for days or weeks after surgery.
- Advanced laparoscopic surgery has been shown to have a lower complication
rate than traditional open surgery.
- A shorter operating time means that there is less risk of a postoperative
infection developing.
What are the Disadvantages of Advanced Laparoscopic Liver Resection?
Laparoscopic Liver Cancer Surgery in India is one of the most common surgical procedures in the
world. It has many benefits over conventional open surgery but has its own
disadvantages too. The following are some of the disadvantages of advanced
laparoscopic liver resection:
- The patient may feel pain and discomfort for a long time during and
after surgery than with open surgery
- There is a higher risk of injury to the bile ducts during laparoscopy,
which can lead to complications such as infections or pancreatitis
- There is an increased risk for bleeding, which may require transfusion
- Laparoscopic surgeries take longer than open surgeries
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